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Township of Lakewood Department of Human Resources

231 Third Street, Lakewood, NJ 08701

732-364-2500 x 5257 or x 5258


Attention Applicants:

Please be advised this general application is to be completed for the following positions:
  • Crossing Guards
  • Maintenance worker
  • Clean communities
  • Seasonal or Internship with no previous work experience

For all other positions, please read the job posting for specific instructions detailing a specific application or if you should submit a resume and cover letter:
  • Laborer w/ CDL
  • Public Safety Telecommunicator
  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Clerical Positions
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Should you wish to print and submit this application, you may do so by clicking the blue printer icon on the left side of the screen.

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02/09/2025Click to Sign

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